What Are Bath Bombs For? Top Benefits Of Using Bath Bombs!
If you’re like most people, you love taking baths. There’s just something about submerging yourself in hot water that’s incredibly relaxing. But did you know that adding bath bombs to your routine can provide even more benefits?
Today, I’m going to discuss the many benefits of using bath bombs, for the mind, body and soul. So whether you’re looking to relax after a long day or want to reap some additional health benefits, read on to find out all about what bath bombs are, and what benefits they offer…
What Is A Bath Bomb?
If you don’t know what a bath bomb is, it’s essentially a ball made primarily from sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), which is combined with additional ingredients such as essential oils, fragrances, and other additives.
These balls are then dropped into the tub filled with hot water, releasing an amazing aroma of essential oils, as well as helping to give your skin a spa-like treatment when you soak in the tub afterwards.
When it comes to bath bombs, there’s one retailer in particular, that springs to mind, and that’s Lush. I don’t think any brand does bath bombs better than Lush. They do a great job at creating fun names and scents, but apart from turning your water a different colour, what are bath bombs for exactly?
Are Bath Bombs Good For You?
If you’re wondering whether bath bombs are good for you, the answer is yes! When sodium bicarbonate mixes with water it helps to adjust the pH levels, making it more alkaline. This can be beneficial for those with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, as it can help to soothe and soften the skin.
Bath bombs can also be beneficial for your mental health. Soaking in a tub filled with hot water and essential oils has been shown to help reduce anxiety and stress levels.
The aromatherapy benefits of certain essential oils can also help to improve your mood and promote relaxation. If you’re someone who struggles to switch off at night, taking a relaxing bath before bed using a lavender scented bath bomb can help you to get a better night’s sleep.
In addition to the mental and physical benefits, using bath bombs can also be great for your soul. There’s something about taking some time out for yourself, even if it’s just 20 minutes.
That can help you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. If you’re looking to add a little luxury to your life, then using bath bombs is a great way to do it!
What Are Bath Bombs Made Of?
Now that we know what bath bombs are, let’s take a closer look at what they’re made of. As I mentioned earlier, sodium bicarbonate is the main ingredient in bath bombs. This mineral salt is known for its ability to soothe and soften the skin.
In addition to sodium bicarbonate, bath bombs also contain other ingredients such as essential oils, fragrances, and colorants.
Essential oils are added for their aromatherapy benefits, while the fragrances and colorants are added to make the bath bomb smell and look good. We’ve all seen the Lush bath bomb TikTok videos, with them fizzing away in the water.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Bath Bombs?
Soft and Smooth Skin
One of the most common yet underestimated benefits of using bath bombs is that they can help to soften and smooth your skin.
If you have eczema, psoriasis, or another skin condition, bath bombs can help to soothe and calm any itching or irritation your skin might be experiencing.
Bath bombs are primarily made out of baking soda, which is an ingredient that is often used in skincare products. It’s a natural exfoliant that helps to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause your skin to look dull.
Bath bombs can help to leave your skin feeling soft, smooth and silky, as well as helping with any dry patches on the body and feet.
Aromatherapy And Smelling Good
Bath bombs not only provide you with soft and smooth skin, but many also contain essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus which have natural healing properties.
These essential oils help to relieve stress and anxiety, calm your nerves, and even help to relieve migraines. Bath bombs help to release these scents into the air as you drop them into the tub.
They can help to clear your mind, lift your mood, and help you to unwind after a long day. Bath bombs can also help to make your skin smell good, and your house, as they fill the air with fragrance. This particularly helpful when you have a cold, and you opt for a menthol or eucalyptus scented bath bomb.
Detoxify Away Your Toxins
Bath bombs can be a great product to use to detoxify your body. If you’re experiencing fatigue, low energy levels, or experiencing any other symptoms of toxicity, a bath bomb can help to balance your system and help to detoxify your body.
Bath bombs can also be beneficial for pregnant women as they can help to relieve some of the symptoms of pregnancy such as water retention and aches and pains.
They can also help to relax pelvic muscles, which is helpful for childbirth. Bath bombs contain ingredients such as citric acid and baking soda, which can help to raise the PH levels of your body and help to eliminate toxins.
Relaxation And De-Stressing
Bath bombs are a great product to use for relaxation and de-stressing. They’re perfect for using after a long day, after a stressful day at work, or if you have a big exam or presentation coming up.
Bath bombs are a natural stress reliever. They can help to clear your mind, reduce inflammation and calm your nerves. If you take a bath with a bath bomb, they can help to release negative thoughts and leave you feeling calm and relaxed.
Bath bombs contain ingredients such as magnesium and calcium, which are minerals that are often recommended by therapists to help reduce stress and anxiety.
Ease Aches and Pains
Bath bombs can also be great for easing aches and pains. If you have aching muscles, cramps, or any other type of pain, a bath bomb can help to soothe and relax your body.
Bath bombs contain ingredients such as Epsom salts and baking soda, which help to relieve aches and pains by bringing minerals into your skin.
Bath bombs can also be great for relaxing your muscles before you go to the gym or take part in an exercise regime. This can help to prevent unnecessary aches and pains caused by over-exertion.
Bath bombs are a great way to relax, detoxify your body and ease any aches and pains you might be experiencing. They’re also great for softening and smoothing your skin. If you’ve never used a bath bomb before, why not give it a try? You might just be surprised at the benefits they can provide!
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