Your Capricorn August 2022 Horoscope Predictions Are Here

Your Capricorn August 2022 Horoscope Predictions Are Here

Read what your sign’s 2022 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Capricorn personality profile. 

Welcome to August, darling Capricorn. It can be challenging for you to allow yourself to rest. You tend to love your work and have a mind that is constantly creating. Not to mention, sweet sea-goat, you can be a bit of a control freak. However, last month, you gave into the lazy summer and took some time off and felt renewed as a result. As you’re likely aware, we’re living in rough economic times, and unfortunately, no astrologer can promise money. With that in mind, ambitious Capricorn, circle Thursday, August 11 in your calendar. This night brings a full moon (full moons signify culminations) in clever Aquarius. This lunation suggests receiving positive professional or creative news surrounding long-term projects or finally wrapping up an activity you’ve put a lot of effort into. 

On this same date, Thursday, August 11, the romantic planet Venus enters bold Leo. You’re feeling good about yourself, and that confidence swells into your love life as well. This transit, aided by potential good news on the full moon, helps you let your guard down and be open and loving with partners and crushes. You’re great at compartmentalizing Capricorn, but sometimes your boundaries can start to look like brick walls. Work on freely expressing emotions around this time, and watch how your relationships flourish.

Confidence is a central theme for you this month, Capricorn. You receive another boost of boldness when the warrior planet Mars, which is currently in fellow hardworking Earth sign Taurus, trines (a favorable aspect) transformative Pluto, which is currently in your sign, Capricorn, on Sunday, August 14. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself kicking off the week by asking a crush out on a date, requesting a meeting with your boss to discuss a raise, or treating yourself to the hair makeover you’ve been dreaming about. 

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Practical Virgo season begins on Monday, August 22. While Leo season brought travel, socialization, and parties, Virgo season sees the end of summer and the rise of fall. You do well in Virgo season, Capricorn. Like you, Virgo is hardworking, loyal, and a bit of a perfectionist. With your personal life feeling grounded and secure, you can focus on making your professional goals come to life, whether working less to spend time with your family or requesting a promotion. Your task during this time is to check in with yourself and ensure that you’re honoring your needs rather than people-pleasing or risking burnout by forsaking rest. 

The end of August turns your attention back to your love life. When Uranus, the rebel planet of the zodiac, begins its five-month-long retrograde in sensual Taurus on Wednesday, August 24, bringing big changes to your romantic relationships. If you’re single now, by the end of Uranus retrograde, don’t be surprised if you’re happy in love. Or, you may see yourself exiting an unfulfilling relationship or leveling a current one up. Two things are certain, one is that change will occur, and the second is that it’s in your best interest, so fear not, Capricorn. If you’re not sure what you want in love, use the new moon in Virgo on Saturday, August 27, to meditate on the matter, as this lunation will heighten your intuition.

Look forward to blessings in love, Capricorn, and see you next month!