Tips to Make Your Website More Popular

Tips to Make Your Website More Popular

If you want to increase your website traffic and become a popular authority in your domain, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we have ten simple tips to improve your website’s SEO making it more visible and popular in your niche. These tips can be used right away. 

Website optimization is an ongoing effort because the behavior of search engines and humans is always changing, stay on top of your optimization practices, and your website will remain popular and authoritative in your domain. Find out more by reading the simple tips below.   

Make it Faster 

We live in the age of instant gratification, and while this is not new in the world of commerce, it has only emerged in recent times in the world of SEO. That’s partly due to changes in the search engine algorithm, which is now more focused on user experience than ever before. 

In the past, most internet users were happy to wait a few minutes for a popular website to load – but not anymore. Not only do modern users not have the patience to wait on pages to load, but slower sites are punished by the search engine thanks to Google’s page speed metrics system. 

The answer is simply to make your website faster to improve the user experience; unfortunately, this might mean ditching some of your favorite content, such as animations, images, ads, and unoptimized content, all contribute to slower loading speeds, so keep your website minimal. 

Internal Links 

39-products-to-make-the-outdoors-enjoyable-if-you're-an-indoor-personMost website owners understand that backlinks create an authority that benefits your search engine ranking; it’s a clear indication to the search engine that your website or content is valued by others which boosts your domain’s authority significantly. But internal links also help SEO. 

Think of your website as a house. The house has two floors and many rooms interconnected with corridors and hallways (the size of your house depends on how many pages you have on your website). Search engine algorithms respond to interconnected content within the domain. 

If you want to improve your SEO, start the process at home. In the beginning, you want to forget about external linking and backlinks and simply focus on linking to relevant content on your website. Take care not to duplicate content and maintain relevance to support topic clusters.       

External Links 

Whatever niche you operate in, you have probably researched the competition already; you try to outperform their content and beat them on keywords for your competing terms, so why should you link to their content? The answer, even outbound links help to create authority for your site. 

When you link to a quality external site, you create a better user experience which attracts or sustains visitors to your domain. Not only that, external links create trackable traffic that supports your SEO efforts. So don’t underestimate the power of linking to trustworthy websites.

While you are in the same niche and have similar objectives, you will find that your direct competitors are also responsive; the reason is that linking to your website has the same benefits to them as it does for you. In this way, you strengthen your niche, which is mutually beneficial.  


Authority and relevance are key to reaching the zero position on the search engine results page. If you’re new to the niche, it can seem like you have a mountain to climb because the competition has the number one positions tied up, and you are still unknown to a target market. 

So how can you start improving your domain authority and get noticed by the right people? In general, SEO is the answer, but in particular, backlinks help enormously. If you land a backlink from an authoritative source in your niche, you will start to get noticed by people and crawlers.  

The challenge is landing backlinks because you can’t afford to wait for websites with domain authority to find you. One way is to reach out to your competitors and offer to guest post in return for a backlink; you can also try creating skyscraper content or repairing broken links.   

Web Analytics 

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A successful SEO strategy requires creating high-quality content, internal and external linking, backlink strategies, and more, but there is another important aspect of SEO – web analytics. Analytics technology uses statistical analysis to help you make better decisions for your site. 

Most website building platforms have supporting analytics capabilities, but if it doesn’t, there are other accessible ways to get the analysis you need. The best free platforms are Google Analytics and Google Search Platform services which help you track and analyze website traffic.

But analytics doesn’t stop there; nowadays, there are software options such as CrazyEgg and HotJar that allow you to track and monitor the behavior of users when they visit your website. If you want to see what pages are viewed and for how long, invest in the best analytical software. 

Meta Descriptions 

Meta descriptions might seem like an incidental item when it comes to SEO; isn’t it more important to create high-quality content and land some quality backlinks? Of course, these are fundamental to a successful SEO strategy, but you can’t forget about the meta descriptions. 

A meta description is a short summary of the content on your webpage; it is usually around 160 characters in length, which is enough to fit neatly into a short except on the search engine results page. The meta description is the first thing visitors read and the first hook you have. 

For the best SEO results and to avoid being punished by the algorithm, you need to create fresh SEO meta descriptions for each item of content on your website. Include relevant keywords in your meta description and avoid duplicate content if you want a better search engine ranking.   

URL Structure 

The search engine algorithm uses crawlers or bots that are designed to behave in the same way as humans, so you can expect these bots to navigate the internet by following links and URLs. Make sure you link to the right places and ensure your URLs are simple and readable. 

If a URL is too long or contains many unreadable characters, chances are humans can’t read or remember it; in that case, search engines will also have difficulty. When URLs are difficult to read, they are ranked lower on the SERPs, but you can optimize them without much trouble. 

If you think your URL is too long or you want to improve your optimization by making a few adjustments, you can do this by using tools such as Bitly or TinyURL. These tools allow you to input your URL and hit a button to shorten it; the shooter URL can then be used in your code. 

Quality Content 

When it comes to content, there are different grades; on the lower end, you have content scraped from the internet that can be readable and relevant but doesn’t always add anything new. On the higher end, you have content that is innovative and provides new insights and information. 

If you want to become an authority in your domain, you need to create quality at the higher end, which means you need to research your subject, include plenty of reliable facts and insights, and compete with the best articles on the internet. This content also needs to be optimized. 

To optimize your content, you need to identify keywords relevant to your topic and use them in the right way. Choose a relevant keyword for your Title and Meta Description, and make sure it’s used sparingly throughout. Next, create relevant internal and external links to your content.   

User Experience 

Major search engine algorithms like Google have always been interested in User Experience; after all, it’s the user experience that matters most. If you can create a website that’s fast and informative, you have a better chance of ranking higher in the results. One way to improve User Experience is a website live chat tool that helps you communicate with your target audience. 

Social Media 

It’s true that social signals are not officially part of the search engine algorithm, but that doesn’t mean they are inconsequential. There is little that gets past the watchful eyes of the algorithms, and if you receive social links and shares, that counts as trackable traffic that benefits your website. Try to create strong social connections as part of your SEO strategy and stay ahead. 

Final Thoughts 

If you run a website but are not getting the search traffic you feel you deserve; you need to look at your SEO approach. The reality is that your website is only as good as your SEO strategy; you can create the best content, but unless your audience finds what they need, it’s ineffective. 

The good news is there are plenty of ways to optimize your website, but it pays to take a methodic approach. Begin by creating and optimizing your content, then look at linking strategies and user experience. Overall, this makes your website more popular and visible. 

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