This Is the Only Makeup Product I’m Wearing Right Now, and It’s Game-Changing

This Is the Only Makeup Product I’m Wearing Right Now, and It’s Game-Changing

If you’d have asked me this time last year what my desert-island makeup product would be, blush wouldn’t have even made the top 10. In fact, I think I probably only had one blush in my otherwise excessive makeup stash. You see, I have always championed a streamlined, simple routine. As far as I was concerned, all I needed for my daily routine was a hefty layer of concealer, some bronzer and maybe a quick coat of mascara on my lashes. Anything else was just added faff that I couldn’t be bothered with.

But then, a cream blush came my way, and everything changed. I realized that the thing that stressed me out about blusher the most was the application process. With powder formulas, it’s all too easy to make mistakes, from applying too much to getting it in the wrong place. However, cream blushers are basically foolproof. Not only can they be patted into the skin with fingers really quickly, but they also can be blended out super easily.