The Proof Is In the Data: 2022’s Most Sought-After Fragrances, Period

The Proof Is In the Data: 2022’s Most Sought-After Fragrances, Period

I could talk about fragrance until I’m blue in the face. As a beauty editor with a slight perfume mania, I’ve tested tens—if not hundreds—of different perfumes. If you asked me what I think the top ten best perfumes of all time are, I could give you an an answer in five minutes flat with my definitive rankings. You might call me a perfume snob, of sorts. 

Even though I have my own perfume convictions, I’m always intrigued to see what perfumes have cemented themselves into the cultural zeitgeist. In a new study, Hey Discount analyzed Google search data and social media figures to find out the most popular perfumes of 2022. These perfumes were widely searched for mentioned on social media this year—and it makes sense, since each of them smells objectively magnetic. Find out what perfumes got the people going this year below.