The Old Gays Working with Walgreens on TikTok: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Having Fun with Health – HealthPopuli.com
How much do I love this media campaign from Walgreens, collaborating with the foursome The Old Gays who have a growing multi-million person fan base on TikTok?
How much? A whole lot!
Kudos to Walgreens for creating engaging, informative, and fun! content to learn about how people can benefit from using the company’s app ….for,
- Ordering prescriptions (90-day supply)
- Receiving delivery same-day
- 24/7 pharmacy chat on pricing, prescription drug information, and medications.
The plotline kicks off with 3 of the 4 quartet (Jessay Martin, Robert Reeves and Mick Peterson) looking for their friend Bill Lyons, who is missing from their rehearsal for their next dance thread to get ready for their next TikTok production.
So they turn to one of their smartphones for help: “Let’s use the 24/7 chat service…it’s on the Walgreens app…they’ll know what to do.”
After the guys click onto the app, Loza Theodros, a Walgreens pharmacist based in Los Angeles, immediately appears in the guys’ living room. She can’t help them locate Bill, but she does tell them how the app helps them make life easier by simplifying prescriptions, staying on track with tools to save time and money, setting pill reminders, and checking the status of prescription refills.
“Wow, that’s amazing….I can schedule everything, save time, and slay these dance moves!”
“I just picked up my 90-day refill….and a very handsome delivery man, too,” the missing Bill announces as he’s carried back into the scene in the arms of that delivery guy.
Here’s Ad Age‘s take on the campaign through a media/pop culture lens.
And here the guys are featured on The Today Show in honor of Pride Month.
Health Populi’s Hot Points: “Martin believes they’re educating people on ‘being human,’” the Today Show story explains.
The Walgreens’ press release about the app notes that, “Setting up automatic refills or selecting same-day delivery can remove barriers to keeping on top of a medication regimen, and give time back for what matters most—like dance practice.”
I’ve bold-faced the last phrase here because it speaks to empathy and the human touch people are seeking — as they continue to undergo their own personal brands of digital transformation — such as using apps for health management, like refilling prescriptions.
This campaign mashes up social media, breaks down demographic biases, bolsters inclusion, educates people on digital health tools, inspires medication adherence….all along, delighting those of us with open minds and hearts.
Kudos, Walgreens, for this inspired, timely campaign.