The Capsule Wardrobe: How to Reduce Your Closet to 37 Pieces

The Capsule Wardrobe: How to Reduce Your Closet to 37 Pieces

Is it us, or does it suddenly seem like less is so much more? While the minimalist lifestyle has been gaining traction for a while now, lately it seems the trend has narrowed in on an area dear to our hearts: the closet. Whether it’s Marie Kondo’s often wardrobe-focused tidying technique or Matilda Kahl’s choice to wear one outfit to work for three years, many are looking to edit down their closets. We know we’re guilty of stocking some unworn, low-quality items, but we’d like to change that.

One closet-reducing program that’s especially buzzy as of late is the capsule wardrobe. While many have jumped on the clothes-purging bandwagon, the authority on the capsule wardrobe movement is Caroline Rector of Un-Fancy. Below, we explore what a real capsule wardrobe looks like, Rector’s methodology, what it’s done to change her life, and how to start your own capsule collection.

Scroll down to see our how-to and what the capsule wardrobe looks like IRL so you can start simplifying your closet and your life.