Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 716
Tabs was one of those lucky cats who could do almost anything. Whatever he touched turned to gold. I mean, not literally. He wasn’t an alchemist or anything, although I feel like if he had tried transmutation, he would have succeeded at it.
He was not afraid to take bold risks, especially when it came to entrepreneurialship. He was not content to just be a pretty face. He had several side hustles going on at any given time, and yes, this kept me busy.
Sometimes a little too busy. But I didn’t mind.
Now Rosy has decided to dip her toes into the side hustle world. She’s starting one-on-one life coaching for cat ladies who want to take their cat ladying to the next level.
Connor is her first client, and believe me I asked for a family discount. Of course, I was a little shocked, but also not shocked, when Rosy said no. 🙁
Ruthless, this one is!
I’m sure she’ll be fabulously successful.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,