Saturday Surfing, June 18, 2022!

Saturday Surfing, June 18, 2022!


It’s Saturday, YES! Whatever your plans are today, I hope they involve copious amounts of coffee. I’m about to grab another cup because I need the fuel.

Today we’re working on putting boxes away, moving furniture and figuring out long-term storage… It’s only taking forever, le sigh.

The house is still in post-renovation chaos, and it’s starting to make me a little crazy. I have to remind myself that one step at a time is totally fine. It will get there eventually, and when it’s done it’ll all be worth it. Oh, and I have to also remind myself not to be too grumpy about it. LOL! The struggle is real, man.

What’s new in your neck of the woods? Are you working on any big (or small) projects? I would love to hear about them.

This week’s reading

Now I want to try all of these!

So pretty.

Her wallpaper, OMG!

I quite enjoyed this.

I miss my tabby boy.



Let’s do this.


The magic words: easy and fresh!

Have a wonderful Saturday, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
