Sali Hughes x Revolution Gel Quench Review | British Beauty Blogger

Sali Hughes x Revolution Gel Quench Review | British Beauty Blogger

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] The timing is perfect for Sali’s latest product launch – Gel Quench. In this heat, moisturiser just creates face sweat – we’ve all had the beady tache exacerbated by product and on this day I am just not up for it no matter how good it might be for my skin. Gel Quench is an easy wear gel hydrator that’s perfect for all skin types but particularly combination. It’s silicone free and formulated with niacinamide, prebiotic, butylene glycol (not scary – it gives the texture its slip), hyaluronic acid, squalane, glycerin and polypeptides. I’m wearing it now and it’s unobtrusive, gives a fine veil of hydration that allows my skin to feel flexible but not loaded, and my skin can breathe. At £14 there is nothing not to like here if you’re feeling hot and sticky but need something to prevent your complexion from feeling taut and dry. I’m also thinking of it as a teen skin dream.

Sali Hughes x Revolution Gel Quench Review

There are some other bits and bobs that fall into the beauty accessories department, including the Shift-Delete make up remover mitts that will take off your make up with water alone on a lazy day and as a precursor to a second cleanser if you’ve got the energy. They’ve got little pockets for your fingers so you can massage round your face. Just use warm water, wring and round you go. If you’re travelling light, these are a great idea. They’re £8 for three and are fully machine washable.

Sali Hughes x Revolution Gel Quench Review

There’s a velvety feeling headband (£5) that doesn’t work it’s way up your hair and off your head and the My Pad For Life Cotton Rounds (£8) although correct me if I’m wrong, but they’re square! I use these quite often but had honestly failed to get to grips that you take them all out to keep in a tidy pile and when you’ve used one, you put it back into the little bag and when the bag is full you wash them in the bag. Every day is a school day. If you want to see Sali’s other products my previous post is HERE. Lucy loves Cream Drench moisturiser because it’s a ‘proper’ cream she can use on her very sensitive skin – that came as a surprise but we are so pleased about it because just about all she could use before was Avene. I have yet to do an ingredient breakdown on it and compare it to other ‘like’ products which I must do because I think it could help identify a trigger ingredient for her. You can find everything HERE. I think if you find yourself baffled by complicated skin care Sali Hughes x Revolution is refreshingly straightforward, open on ingredients and affordable. My heart sinks when I get skin care that takes a degree in science to understand or is infused with marketing terms that you’re not actually supposed to understand but be impressed by anyway because it ‘sounds’ good. Quite literally it can take me most of the day to research and sort the nonsense from the facts or the marketing from the reality. Urgh!


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