Prepare to Be Sick of Me: J.Lo Released a Booty Cream and My Ass Never Looked Better
I’ve already tried this new booty balm, and it works beautifully. You immediately feel the firming action, and the glow this gives my skin makes me want to walk around without pants all day. Full disclosure: I’ve tried this only a few times, certainly not long enough to confirm whether or not my butt looks long-term different, but for now, at least, it feels different when I apply this stuff. So far, so good.
But if you want to hear from more than just me, I get it. So here’s a little more information that I got from a fellow nice booty-haver, Mrs. Jennifer Lopez (Affleck).
ALLURE: Why launch a booty balm now?
Lopez: It’s no secret that I believe our bodies are temples – they carry us through every stage of life and help us do amazing things. It was in part due to my feeling that we often neglect our bodies, but also because it’s what my fans and beauty customers were asking for.
When we dug deeper and asked questions about the areas of the body they wanted to care for, the booty consistently ranked at the top. So the goal was to create a product that addresses the things that we all think about when it comes to our booties or any other hard-to-treat area like the stomach, back of arms, and thighs: firmness, skin elasticity, stretch marks, dry skin.
ALLURE: When did you know the formula was just right?
It was a combination of the results I was [personally] seeing and the clinical testing results we were getting in.
I’m a stickler for getting a product just right — if it’s not perfect, I don’t want my name on it. I worked with scientists and chemists and together we went through a few rounds of formulations until we all felt like it was the gold standard of booty balms.
Like all the products we create, I used it for a while before giving it the green light — almost a year — because I also believe in consistency, and the results I was seeing were just getting better and better over time. But then we got the clinical results and user trials and we knew we had the best booty formula. The clinicals are insane — every single person who used it saw an immediate increase in hydration. And the overwhelming majority of people who used it saw an improvement in skin elasticity and texture and smoothness as they continued to use it. [Editor’s note: The brand did an 8-week clinical study of 34 women, ranging from 27 to 63 in age, and 71 percent had an objectively measured increase in skin texture and smoothness after four weeks. In a user-perception study of 29 participants, 79 percent said their booties appeared noticeably firmer after eight weeks.]