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Nova Leap CEO Expects Hospital at Home to Have Big Ripple Effects in Home Care – Home Health Care News

Nova Leap CEO Expects Hospital at Home to Have Big Ripple Effects in Home Care – Home Health Care News

At the Halifax, Nova Scotia-based Nova Leap, the expression Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF) has taken on a whole new meaning.

Over the years, the company – which is a rapidly growing home care services company that operates in the U.S. and Canada – has become a regular on the M&A scene. Typically, the company averages four acquisitions annually.

But at the end of last year, Nova Leap ended up closing three deals in different markets over the course of three straight Fridays.

But despite its voracious appetite for dealmaking, the company hasn’t lost sight of what’s on the plate in front of them: dementia care. When originally forming the company, President and CEO Chris Dobbin, saw a gap in the dementia care market on the home care side.

Between acquisition and a heavy focus on better training, Dobbin believes Nova Leap has found their lane, which is a significant one.

“I think there was an additional level of training that could be provided around dementia training, and so we really approached the market on that basis,” he told Home Health Care News during a recent HHCN+ TALKS conversation.

HHCN is pleased to share the recording and transcript of our HHCN+ TALKS conversation with Dobbin. Read on to learn more about:

– Why Dobbin believes there’s a hospital-at-home opportunity in home-based care

– Why Nova Leap has shied away from embracing Medicare Advantage

– How caregiver referrals have become a reliable recruitment tool for Nova Leap

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