My Mom Just Turned 62 and Is Trying These 6 Trends to Up Her Style Game
My mother, Nancy, recently turned 62. (HBD, mom). As someone who’s into fashion—favoring uncomplicated trends to work within the classic wardrobe, she’s been curating for decades and sharpening her style over time. And she mentioned to me that she wants to use this big moment in her life to venture a bit out of her sartorial comfort zone. Now, she doesn’t want to completely switch up her timeless vibe (it’s her personal style, after all), but she is rather curious about how some of the latest forward trends could, as she put it,”up her style gam” at the moment.
So on one of our many frequent phone calls (I legit speak to her three times per day), we set aside a good chunk of our convo to discuss trends. I basically rattled off some of the key looks fashion girls are wearing these days, and she stopped me when something piqued her interest as a relatable yet stylish look that could work in her day-to-day life in Wisconsin.
In the end, she boiled it down to six key trends that she’s eager to try. Of course, all of the pieces in question could work for anyone at any age (because the year you were born has nothing to do with what you should wear), but for Nancy, these are the items she wants to test out to “look as chic as ever at 60”
So with all that in mind, keep scrolling for a bit of visual and shopping inspiration—along with Nancy’s notes on each trend as well.