MooGoo Skincare and Haircare Products from Australia
I got a restock of my favorite MooGoo products, which I tried last fall.
Of everything I tried, I liked it all, but the Protein shot Leave In made my hair soft and smooth without the use of any silicones. The protein is from the milk products that is in the cream and just really works for my hair which tends to be dry and frizz-prone. I use it on wet hair but you could also use it on dry. The Natural Protein Shot leave-in hair conditioner is my favourite silicone-free product EVER. I’m using it on wet hair every time I wash it and it’s so smoothing. I think the little bit of protein in styling products really helps minimize frizz.
MooGoo also sent me their skincare products to try and they are perfect for dry skin. The body creams leave your skin soft to the touch but aren’t sticky.
Why’s it called “MooGoo”? Well, it was first developed to be used on cow’s udders and it turns out that the formula is good for people skin too. The scent of these is a little lactonic but not sweet. It’s comforting and reminds me of baby products.
Have you heard of this line or tried any of their products? They are out of Australia, and really well made. You can find them on Amazon or shop through their website.