Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 739

So…what is the Monday Poll?
Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).
1. A food that you’ve been craving lately?
Toasted cinnamon raisin bagels and cream cheese! YUM. I buy the kind by Dave’s Killer Bread to get a little extra protein.
2. Where’s your calm and happy place?
Physically, my bed right before I fall asleep every night. Mentally, you can find me on Hideaways beach on Kauai.
3. Have you ever driven a boat?
Girl, no. I’m the last person you want driving anything motorized on a body of water, LOL! I’m too nervous behind the wheel.
4. How do you handle your regular routine being disrupted?
Honestly, not too well these days. After I got pregnant and had Connor I became a strict creature of habit; it’s the only way I’ve been able to get through all the stuff I need to get through on a daily basis. When even the smallest thing gets thrown into the mix, it’s a lot harder for me to handle the change than it was when I was younger.
5. Smudgy eyeliner: your thoughts?
It has its time and place. I do love how it’s more forgiving compared to a crisp line.
6. Are ponchos a good idea?
Yeah, sure, why not? I love a flowing poncho on occasion. Makes me feel like I’m wrapped up in a snuggly blanket!
7. What’s harder: applying concealer or applying blush?
Oh gosh, by far applying concealer. But blush can be hard, too – the blending part is no joke. I can’t just rush through it unless I want to end up with two circles on my cheeks.
8. What sunscreen are you wearing today?
Good ol’ Avene Solaire UV. A true hero!
9. Peptides: love ’em or leave ’em?
Meh. I’m undecided at the moment. I’ve yet to find a peptide-related product that rocks my world. (Side note: if you know of one, feel free to share it with the rest of us!)
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.
1. A food that you’ve been craving lately?
2. Where’s your calm and happy place?
3. Have you ever driven a boat?
4. How do you handle your regular routine being disrupted?
5. Smudgy eyeliner: your thoughts?
6. Are ponchos a good idea?
7. What’s harder: applying concealer or applying blush?
8. What sunscreen are you wearing today?
9. Peptides: love ’em or leave ’em?
P.P.S. Good morning, friend. Happy Monday! I just wrote myself a reminder to take deep breaths throughout the day. Feel free to do the same for yourself! It really does help. 🤗