Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 736

Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 736

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

    1. Colors that make you happy?

    Mint green, pale yellow, light lavender – pastels bring me so much joy!

    2. Last beauty product you received as a gift?

    My friend Kelly gave me a tube of Saint Jane Lip Gloss that I’m pretty stoked about.

    3. Summer or fall makeup?

    This is hard for me. I love summer makeup because it’s so easy and breezy, but I appreciate the artistry of a full-on fall face beat. Hmm. Let’s go with summer makeup because it’s basically the style I’ve been wearing for the last two years.

    4. Grapefruit juice: yum or yuck?


    5. Sweatshirt or cardigan?

    An extra soft sweatshirt with a hood and pockets, please. I’m all about cozy comfort these days!

    6. Worst car you’ve ever driven?

    El Hub and I once got talked into renting a Ford Mustang convertible when we visited Hawaii years ago. It was the most uncomfortable car I’ve ever been in, both as a passenger and as a driver. This was in the early 2000s, so I have no idea how the car is now, but back then, I couldn’t make sense of the console because everything felt like it was in the wrong place. The seats were uncomfortable, and riding around with the wind in my hair wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be; it was noisy and messed up my mane!

    7. Classic or trendy?

    Trendy back in the day, more classic now.

    8. Whatcha doing today?

    Well, it’s the Fourth of July so I feel like I should be doing something eventful, but El Hub is working and the weather’s overcast and cool. If it clears up later, Connor and I will probably go for a short hike, and then I’ll play with her in the front yard for a bit. It hit me recently that she won’t be a little kid for much longer, and so I have to get in as much time doing simple things together, like sidewalk chalk, as much as I can.

    9. Something you want to accomplish this week?

    I need to research window blinds and drapes. Honestly, like most things I’m finding that are related to home furnishings, blinds and drapes are surprisingly complicated. I never thought I’d fall into a rabbit hole related to blinds, but here we are, LOL!

    Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


    P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

    1. Colors that make you happy?
    2. Last beauty product you received as a gift?
    3. Summer or fall makeup?
    4. Grapefruit juice: yum or yuck?
    5. Sweatshirt or cardigan?
    6. Worst car you’ve ever driven?
    7. Classic or trendy?
    8. Whatcha doing today?
    9. Something you want to accomplish this week?

    P.P.S. Good morning, friend. It’s a long weekend here in the U.S. because of the Fourth of July. I hope you get the chance to do something relaxing and fun today. 🤗