Judy Greer on Wellness Over 40 and the LED Face Mask She and Her Husband Fight Over
Judy Greer (yes, the one with the perfect dry delivery) never seems to age, but that doesn’t mean she’s not. Greer has gotten candid about the hormonal changes she’s experienced as she’s gotten older, which have inspired her to be a founding partner of Wile Women. Greer did a deep dive with us on her skin-care routine that keeps her skin youthful and got real about her first signs of a hormonal shift.
You’re very focused on helping women over 40 adjust to hormonal changes, etc. What made you want to help that group?
“Being in that group. When I started to feel like something was off myself, I was asking doctor after doctor and no one would talk to me about it or even take my questions seriously. I realized that this was a conversation that needed to happen. Why aren’t we talking about this stage of our lives? As much as we would like to pretend that we are not getting older, we are, it’s a fact, so I want to make the best of it.”
What were some of the biggest changes you experienced during this shift? How did you deal with them?
“They are still happening. My first was mood swings and lack of sleep. I noticed that a few years ago. Then forgetfulness and brain fog started, which caused my self-esteem to drop. I thought I was getting dumber, and it took one of my on-set costumers to tell me what was going on. Thank God for her.
This time is so unpredictable. We created 40+ Hormonal Wellness ($40) for this very reason. It helps balance hormones, stress levels and the nervous system. Whether you start it early on before big shifts or once you’re noticing real changes, it really helps ease every transition through the 40s into menopause.”
Did you change anything about your skin care or makeup following these changes?
“I haven’t yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. I did start using the Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask ($435) every night after I wash my face, it’s pricey, but it works. I noticed a tightening. My husband uses it too! We fight over who gets it first when we are getting ready for bed.”
Tell us a bit about your skin-care routine now.
“My skin-care routine has basically stayed the same for years. I start the evening before bed with a discontinued bar of soap by Cetaphil (I bought cases of it when I found out they were discontinuing it—100 percent hoarding). I use Christie Kidd PA-C Perfect Skin Fresh Pads ($47) and Renewal Plus Serum ($52) and an eye cream. If I’m dry, I layer the EltaMD PM ($39) or Dr. Haushka Rose Cream ($45) over my Renewal Plus for more moisture.
In the morning, I rinse with water and use a micellar water and vitamin C by either FaceGym ($98) or PCA skin ($120). If I’m working, I use the FaceGym one because it is a vitamin C oil and layers nicely under makeup and adds extra hydration for all-day makeup.”
Are there any in-office treatments you love splurging on?
“All of them! I have been using the Limelight laser at Christie Kidd’s office for years, and that’s always worked really well. But for the red carpet, I love a Triple Crown Facial ($250) by Joanna Vargas. It leaves my face high and tight. But I’ll pretty much try anything if there’s no downtime. It’s hard to schedule anything that requires a few days off because I work a lot and can’t always peel or be bruised or splotchy.”
You’ve played so many characters—what was your favorite look?
“I’m really digging the character, Bree I’m playing now on Reboot (Hulu Sept 20th). She is fancy and pretty, and I wear this amazing wig. Jeannie, my hair stylist on the show, and I named my (our) wig ‘SJP’ because that’s what she looks like. Yes, I call my wig ‘she.’ And I’m wearing the most amazing clothes as well (thank you, Reiko Schoenfeld).”
You’ve played the best friend in many iconic movies, some better friends than others. How have you maintained your friendships in your personal life as you age?
“Oh boy, that’s a tough one. Thank God for texting, right? I miss my friends when I’m working so much, but we text a lot, I like to send letters in the mail, and we try to make hanging out a priority when we can. I think sometimes even a simple text that says ‘I love you’ can be enough. It feels good to know your people are out there rooting for you, even if it’s been a while since we’ve all been in the same room together.”
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