Fresh and Summery Makeup With a Tiny Bit o’ Sparkle

Fresh and Summery Makeup With a Tiny Bit o’ Sparkle

Hiya! Is it hot enough for ya? We’re barely into summer and I’m already ready for fall. LOL!

This is the makeup look I’ve been wearing lately; you might’ve read about it last week in the post about the birthday shade tent. Here it is in much better lighting. The Chanel foundation, cream stick blushes and gloss are *chef’s kiss.* Holla at me if you have any questions about anything…

Summer music list

I’ve decided that it’s been too long since I’ve made a summer playlist. I’m thinking the theme will be booty shaking dance music. LOL! I just started and so far have the following two songs, and I would love your suggestions if you have any.


Get it, B!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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