Do You Wear More or Less Makeup Than You Did 10 Years Ago?

Do You Wear More or Less Makeup Than You Did 10 Years Ago?

Me way back in 2012 wearing a pair of bonkers false lashes!

I wear considerably less makeup than I did 10 years ago! During that season of my life, beauty blogging was my full-time gig, so I spent my days swatching, testing, taking pictures and pushing my makeup skills on the daily. It was no big deal for me to cruise around the ‘burbs casually with show girl lashes on a Tuesday (see pic above).

Back then I’d go all the way with all the things. For example, a “casual” look involving base consisted of primers (yup, plural), a couple layers of opaque foundation, concealers (at least two, always) and powder. The more complicated and involved the process was, the more I loved to do it.

I also remember my hair taking a long time back then, too. I spent a lot of time in the salon during what I affectionately call “my blonde era.” LOL!

Anywho, I still do modified versions of some of the looks that I wore then; take this pic from 10 years ago, for example. My liner these days is not nearly as intense, and I totally take shortcuts when it comes to the lid color by opting for an eyeliner worn as shadow. It has a kinda-sorta-similar vibe though.

Ten years ago. I still do a less complicated version of this eye (bronze lid/cat liner) to this day.
The modified version, which I wear now.

Do you wear more or less makeup than you did 10 years ago? How has your style changed (or stayed the same)?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. It’s the last day of summer for my little bean. We’ve been taking advantage of this time by playing at the pool and eating popsicles!

Headed to the pool!

Today’s a busy day for her, so I get to be her chauffeur.

First, I’m taking her to a meet-and-greet with her new teacher. After lunch, she has a hair appointment followed by a trip to the frozen yogurt shop. In the late afternoon, there’s a welcome party with her dance team.

I don’t feel as emotional as I did last year when she started kindergarten, but I definitely still feel an ache that marks the passing of time. She won’t be this small forever, ya know?