Date Day/Night Outfit Ideas – Where Did U Get That
Picking out an outfit for a date is never easy! It usually goes along the line of this – you choose one clothing item from your wardrobe and drop it because you think it’s ‘too much’. You then pick out another, but it’s creased and maybe too casual? Finally, the last item to take out before giving up is usually one that’s perhaps more for a night out than a date. To stop those pre-date stress tears from running, here’s some outfit tips for both day and night dates. The late summer WILL be as romantic as ever!
Point Focus: Casual, Flirty, Comfortable clothes (paired easily with Trainers)

Comfortable shoes for day dates is a must. Prepare for going on slow walks and last minute activities. Therefore, trainers will be your best friend. So, what do we pair those kicks with? It’s important to balance the casual shoes with something more flirty – it’s a date after all! Invest in new romantic blouses (you can pair them with jeans) or a mini/midi dress. We’re going less for teenage first date vibe and more for contemporary romance. Below are some that might spark your fancy! Remember, always check the weather beforehand.
Point Focus: Jewelry to Make it Special

To add that extra date-like appeal opt for jewelry. It’s the perfect way to elevate your casual looks without being too formal. Missoma jewelry has been a long time favourite, but if you’re looking for new jewelry brands to try, head over to this article I wrote! A little gold and silver on your body never hurts. In fact, when does it not serve? Besides, all beautiful things are meant to be adorned, including you.
Point Focus: Shoes

Shoes are the ultimate day-to-night date transition piece. Fancy dinners and cocktail bars need to have the right footwear to match! The nice thing about investing in date night heels is that they’re for special occasions so you can definitely wear them more than once! You only need one pair that will take you through a whirlwind of romance.
Point Focus: Cut-out or Material Highlights to Create Sensuality
Pick your favourite part of your body or even just one aspect you’d like to highlight. Your waist, legs, back, chest, collarbone – anything! If you’re not sure, think of how you want a type of material to move on your body – does it feel silky or is it floaty? In other words, when are the moments you feel most sexy? Basically go with that! There’s two reasons for this. Firstly, confidence really is vital. Don’t go wearing things that doesn’t make you feel elevated, especially on a date. Secondly, the evenings are meant for many but brief moments of tension and appeal. Therefore, don’t be afraid to mesmerize and show yourself off. Below are some dresses that will make you feel at your best and most sensual.