Benefits of ECG Test at Home

Benefits of ECG Test at Home

Electrocardiogram ECG or an electrocardiograph is a crucial diagnostic test. It monitors the heart rate and rhythm and spots any abnormalities. It illustrates the heart’s electrical activity on a graph paper called the electrocardiograph. To do so, it uses leads that rest on the limbs and the chest. Each piece of information shows the activity of a particular heart area. […]

CBIC Introduces New IP Certification for Long-Term Facilities

CBIC Introduces New IP Certification for Long-Term Facilities

Among the many lessons we all learned from the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was that our nation’s long-term care facilities struggle to protect residents from healthcare associated infections. These medical facilities straddle two worlds: They endeavor to create a home-like, social atmosphere while also providing specialized medical care to vulnerable patients. The heartbreaking result, magnified by the pandemic, is the rapid […]

Your coverage options may change if you move

Your coverage options may change if you move

Published on June 30, 2022 Moving can be an exciting time. As you get ready for your move, it’s important to remember moving may impact your health insurance coverage options and savings. Don’t forget to update your application to get the best plan and right amount of savings available to you and your household in your new area. […]

Opinion: It’s time for Congress to change health privacy rules

Opinion: It’s time for Congress to change health privacy rules

Carol Robinson is founder and CEO of CedarBridge Group. This article was co-authored with Frank Baitman, who has served as chief information officer of the Social Security Administration and the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Congress must take quick action to strengthen health privacy laws, as the reversal of Roe v. Wade stands to turn electronic health record […]

The Legacy of COVID-19 Is Shaping Consumers’ Purchases for Health-At-Home –

The Legacy of COVID-19 Is Shaping Consumers’ Purchases for Health-At-Home –

While inflation and financial stress is depressing consumer demand for many purchases the “legacy of COVID-19” is having lost-lasting impacts on how people see their homes — especially as sites for health and wellness.                 GfK highlights the growing interest in wellbeing and device demand in The State of Consumer Technology and Durables […]

The Public Health System and Infection Control

The Public Health System and Infection Control

In Washington, a panel is meeting to discuss the future of the US Public Health System. Public health systems came under increased scrutiny during the COVID pandemic, spurring the panel to convene and  determine ways to make the system more efficient and effective. This is no simple task. The public health system is a network of public, private, and voluntary […]

Is melatonin safe for kids?

Is melatonin safe for kids?

Every parent knows what it’s like to have a sleepless night because their child just won’t sleep. Sometimes, kids just have a hard time falling asleep. That leads many parents to seek solutions to help their child fall asleep. One increasingly popular thing to do is give kids a sleep aid. There are several options, but parents often choose melatonin […]



Monkeypox is a virus infection, first seen in Monkeys but now a raging outbreak in the West. It has been declared a health emergency by the WHO. Initially, the virus found in monkeys in Africa was in humans for the first time in Congo in 1970. We have thousands of cases every day in different parts of Europe and America. […]