How to Style An Outfit You Just Bought if You Have No Idea How to Wear It

How to Style An Outfit You Just Bought if You Have No Idea How to Wear It

We all have that moment when we see a beautiful outfit online and we did not do any checks on how we’ll rock the outfit, we just want it in our wardrobe right away because it’s so pretty.

Then after getting it, we start to wonder how we’ll rock the outfit. Yeah, everyone will have something to say about this quick shopping thing.

Sometimes, we might have seen a friend wearing it and it just looks good in them. And when we get the same outfit we just don’t know how to rock it.

Pheew! Luckily, you are on the right page and below are tips that can help you easily rock an outfit you just bought.

How to style a piece you just bought

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So if you just bought an outfit and have no idea how to wear it;

  • Go to the website you bought it from and look at how the model wore it and copy it.
  • Since celebrities spend money on getting stylists to style their outfits, you can check out any celebrity who has worn an outfit similar to that and rock it the same way.
  • If the outfit has too many colours, make sure your trousers, shoes, cap and bag are neutral colours.
  • Be yourself: If you are trying to copy the way others wear their outfit, make sure you are adding your spice to it. The way others wear their outfit might not fit you perfectly, but you can incorporate your style into your look even if you are taking one or two inspos from celebrities or models.
@benjazper_ How to style an outfit You Just Bought! A fashion Hack You should know 🏃 🥂 #viral #fashion #howto #hack #fyp ♬ Asake Dull Drill remix theevandrillist – Bamanbeatz

Featured image: Pexels