7 Important Tips You Need To Know Before You Start Running

7 Important Tips You Need To Know Before You Start Running

Running is an activity within everyone’s reach. Whether it’s in the park, around your premises, or while you’re on vacation, it’s so easy and doable it’s surprising that most people don’t engage in it. Of course, you know how beneficial maintaining an active lifestyle is for your health, but did you know that running is the easiest way to go about it regardless of how busy you are? However, following a certain technique, having the right posture, and keeping a certain rhythm helps to make this ‘workout’ less of a chore and enable you to get it right. Yes, there’s a right and wrong way to run. 

Rome was not built in a day, and neither would your workout sessions. Therefore, we recommend that you take it (literally) one step at a time and not obsess over timekeeping, as if you were a professional runner preparing for the marathon. You can run for a minute and walk for two minutes, but these intervals are not a must. You can decide to slightly modify the running or walking space based on your characteristics. Above all, listen to your body, breathe, work accordingly, and let these tips guide your journey into running.

Check out 7 important tips for running you need to know…

#1. Consider the surface

Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom | Pexels tips for running

Perhaps, this is one factor that you never considered but the surface on which you run is as important as the activity itself. This is because different surfaces offer their own unique benefits and maximizing your workout session depends on how well you leverage surfaces. The rule of thumb is to have a mix of most surfaces in a single session. That is to say, you should run on asphalt pavement as well as a forest or park floor, sandy surface, and even a treadmill. If for some reason you don’t have access to all surface types, then a mix of two will do fine. 

#2. Don’t start too quickly

Photo: Pixabay | Pexels

Your body has to get used to the stress and strain of running. Many beginners make the mistake of starting too quickly and then paying the price after a few minutes: frustration, overwork, pain, and injuries are just some of the consequences of being too ambitious. So, try to run at a moderate pace with which you can have a conversation without getting out of breath.

Even if you feel yourself growing wings, keep the same pace for the duration of your workout. Only by giving your body enough time to get used to this new workload will you be able to improve your performance in the long run.

#3. Your body needs to recuperate

Photo: Yaroslav Shuraev | Pexels

Your first running session went well, and you want to start over so soon? Awesome! But still, give yourself a day of rest before your next workout — your body needs to rest and recover. Your cardiovascular system has to adapt to these new demands and prepare your muscles and bones for the next workout. So always plan a rest day between two workout sessions so that you can get the most out of your efforts and avoid injuries.

#4. Take care of your body

Running uses your whole body. Your trunk is the control center of your movements. From your trunk, the swing of your arms will determine the movements of the lower body, including the length of your strides and your pace. To run properly, your core muscles need to be well developed for stability. A strong, muscular body is essential when running to avoid injury and improve performance. That’s why we recommend that you incorporate strength training into your workout routine.

#5. Run naturally and take small steps

Photo: Nappy | Pexels

It is quite normal initially not to have the right running technique and therefore waste a lot of energy due to bad posture or bad stride. Your body will develop the coordination necessary to run with each new kilometer you cover. Try to run as relaxed as possible and without too much effort. Small steps are more effective than long strides that will slow down your run.

#6. Learn to improve your breathing

Photo: | Pexels

This is one major tip for running that you should know. Improving your breath is not a difficult goal to achieve, and the results are seen quickly enough, but it takes a lot of consistency. The more oxygen your body can process, the farther you can go before you feel exhausted. Always make sure to inhale and exhale for the same length of time: before you put new air into your lungs, you must expel all the carbon dioxide.

#7. Eat right

Photo: Trang Doan | Pexels

It is really important to eat properly. The protein helps the muscles while the right amount of carbohydrates releases energy. If you decide to run in the morning, make sure you eat a balanced dinner the night before. If you run after work, try to eat lunch with proteins and carbohydrates or a healthy snack a couple of hours before. Don’t forget the water; you have to drink about 2 liters of water a day. This will give you more energy.

Featured image: Cynthia Nwadiora | Instagram 

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Titi Dokubo

A fashion and culture enthusiast who’s really a food loving adventurer at heart.

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