How To Relieve Puffy Eyes From Allergies [6 Top Tips To Reduce Eye Symptoms]

How To Relieve Puffy Eyes From Allergies [6 Top Tips To Reduce Eye Symptoms]

I have talked about my allergies before, but I have a heck of a lot of allergies including things like garlic, potatoes, horses and mustard. I have issues with skin, food and airborne allergens, and thanks to testing, I’ve been able to pinpoint what my allergies are, so I can try to avoid my triggers.

Even when you know your triggers, you can still suffer with allergic reactions when unknowingly being exposed to your allergen; it’s one of the most frustrating medical conditions in that respect. Everyone’s body reacts differently to allergies, but for me, puffy eyes are most definitely one of my first visual symptoms. But how can you get relieve puffy eyes from allergies?

How To Relieve Puffy Eyes From Allergies

If you have airborne allergies, there’s not a lot you can do to prevent them, apart from taking antihistamines, any other seasonal allergies medical treatments, and of course, keeping yourself away from your allergen as much as possible. However, if you do suffer with puffy eyes as part of your allergic reaction, here are some tips to help you alleviate that puffiness.

Why do allergies give us puffy, irritated eyes?

One of the most annoying symptoms of allergies is puffy, irritated eyes. But why do allergies cause this reaction? It all has to do with histamines. Histamines are chemicals that are released by the body in response to an allergic trigger, such as pollen or dust.

These histamines cause blood vessels to dilate and increase blood flow to the area, leading to swelling and inflammation. In addition, histamines also stimulate the production of mucus, which can further irritate the eyes and make them watery, and give you blurred vision or general discomfort.

Thankfully, there are many over-the-counter oral antihistamines medications that can help to relieve these symptoms. However, the best way to deal with allergies is to avoid exposure to the triggering substance in the first place, and using your allergy oral medications as soon as you start to notice any allergic reaction symptoms.

Which types of allergies can cause puffy, irritated eyes?

Allergies are a common cause of puffy, irritated eyes. When the body comes into contact with an allergic trigger, it releases histamines into the bloodstream. These histamines then cause the blood vessels in the eyes to dilate, leading to the characteristic symptoms of redness and swelling.

Common allergens that can cause these symptoms include pollen, pet dander, grass pollen, and exposure to dust mites. In some cases, seasonal allergies can also lead to watery eyes, blurry vision and a runny nose. Nasal allergies are another type of severe allergy that can lead to puffiness of the eyes, and eye allergy symptoms in general.

If you suspect that your puffy eyes are caused by an allergy, try avoiding exposure to potential triggers and see if your symptoms improve. You may also want to try using over-the-counter antihistamines or eye drops to help relieve your symptoms.

How To Relieve Puffy Eyes From Allergies

Place a cold compress on your eyes for 10 minutes

Puffy eyes and swollen eyelids can be a frustrating side effect of an allergic reaction from outdoor allergens. But there’s no need to suffer – a simple cold compress can help to reduce the eye swelling of the under-eye area. Just place the cool compress on your eyes for 10 minutes, and you’ll start to see a difference.

The cold temperature helps to constrict the blood vessels and reduce inflammation, helping with any eye symptoms you may be experiencing. And it feels refreshing and soothing, making it the perfect way to combat puffy eyes from eye allergy symptoms. I personally swear by a gel eye mask I bought on Amazon.

I keep it in the fridge, and whenever a reaction strikes, I wrap it around my eyes to soothe and de-puff, and it feels amazing. It doesn’t get ice cold that you end up with a headache, either. Although, sometimes a warm water soaked flannel feels nice and soothing on the eyes too.

What can you do to relieve allergy symptoms of the eyes when wearing contact lenses?

If you wear contacts and suffer from eye allergies, there are a few things you can do to relieve your symptoms. First, try using artificial tears or eye drops specifically designed for use with contacts. These can help to lubricate your eyes and reduce irritation.

You should also avoid wearing your contacts for extended periods of time, as this can worsen symptoms. If possible, try to take a break from wearing contacts every few days to give your eyes a chance to recover.

Finally, make sure to clean your lenses regularly and replace them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. By taking these steps, you can help to reduce allergy symptoms of the eyes and make wearing contacts more comfortable.

Drink plenty of fluids to help flush out the allergens

Summer is finally here, which means warmer weather and blooming flowers. Unfortunately, it also means allergies. sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. While there’s no cure for allergies, there are some things you can do to ease your symptoms.

One of the most important things is to make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids. This will help to flush out the allergens and keep your nose and sinuses moist. Additionally, try to avoid spending time outdoors when pollen levels are highest, typically early in the morning or on windy days.

And if you do go outside, be sure to shower afterwards to remove any pollen that may be clinging to your skin or hair. By taking some simple precautions, you can help to reduce your allergy symptoms and enjoy the summer season.

How To Relieve Puffy Eyes From Allergies

Take an antihistamine to help reduce inflammation and swelling

Anyone who has ever suffered from allergies knows the importance of antihistamines. These medication work by blocking the action of histamine, a chemical that is released in response to an allergy.

Histamine causes inflammation and swelling, and it can also lead to itching, hives, and runny noses. Antihistamines can help to relieve these symptoms and provide much-needed relief.

There are many different types of antihistamines available, so it is important to speak to a doctor or pharmacists before purchasing any medication. Some antihistamines cause drowsiness, so it is also important to consider whether or not driving or operating machinery is safe after taking the medication.

When taken as directed, antihistamines can be a safe and effective way to reduce inflammation and swelling. Ensure you always carry your antihistamines with you in your bag, to ensure you have something if a reaction ever strikes.

Avoid rubbing your eyes, as this will only make them worse

It’s tempting to rub your eyes when they feel itchy and irritated, but if you’re suffering from allergies, this is only going to make the problem worse. When you rub your eyes, you are actually stimulating the release of histamines, which are the chemicals that cause all the symptoms of allergies in the first place.

In addition, rubbing can irritate the delicate skin around your eyes, leading to redness and swelling. If you’re struggling with puffy eyes, try gently tapping the area around your eyes with your fingertips instead of rubbing.

You should also avoid using any lotions or creams around your eyes, as these can further irritate the skin. I personally like to use allergy eye drops, as they help to reduce any eye irritation you may be experiencing, and they don’t sting either, which is important. The last thing you want, when suffering from an allergic reaction, is any more discomfort or pain.

Get plenty of rest, so your body can fight off the allergies

When you have allergies, your body is in a constant state of battle. Your immune system is on high alert, trying to defend you against the allergens it perceives as threats.

This can take a toll on your body, leaving you feeling tired and run down. That’s why it’s important to get plenty of rest when you’re dealing with allergies. By ensuring you’re not dealing with a lack of sleep, you give your body the chance to recharge and rebuild its strength.

In addition, research has shown that people who are well-rested are less likely to develop colds and other infections. So if you’re struggling with allergies, make sure to get plenty of rest, so your body can fight off the allergens and keep you healthy, whilst also helping to reduce dark circles, by getting more rest.

How To Relieve Puffy Eyes From Allergies

Apply a light moisturiser around your eyes to keep them hydrated

Post allergic reaction, my skin becomes extremely dry, and the same happens for the skin around my eyes. Allergies can cause all sorts of problems, from a runny nose to itchy eyes. Applying a light moisturiser around the eye area can really help, especially if you use a cold skincare roller, which also really helps with reducing puffiness and swelling, as well as helping to rehydrate the skin.

We might not be able to stop ourselves from having allergic reactions, but hopefully these tips and treatment options will help to de-puff your eyes, once you experience your next eye allergies or allergic reactions.

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Gemma Etc.

Hi, my name is Gemma, and I’m the writer behind I’m a true beauty obsessive, and love writing about anything to do with beauty. In addition to Gemma Etc., I also own, and love sharing my thoughts and feelings about beauty and lifestyle products.

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