Breast Augmentation: The Good, the Bad, and the Aesthetic Appeal

Breast Augmentation: The Good, the Bad, and the Aesthetic Appeal

Breast augmentation is colloquially known as a “boob job.” In the past, getting a boob job was seen negatively in some social circles, but not anymore. With the advancement of technology and societal values, women can now flaunt their enhanced breasts results without worrying about stigmatization. 

But what exactly is breast augmentation?

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to increase the size and improve the shape of the natural breasts. This can create a fuller and more symmetric appearance.

How Much Does a Breast Augmentation Cost?

Breast augmentation costs in Westchester, NY, vary depending on many factors, including surgical fees, anesthesiologist fees, and facility fees. Some of these prices start at $9,500. These prices are quite affordable, making breast augmentation a more accessible cosmetic procedure.

How Is a Breast Augmentation Done?

Breast augmentation is usually done under general anesthesia at an outpatient clinic or in a hospital. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon places an implant filled with sterile salt water or silicone into the breast to achieve a fuller breast. 

Some people may opt to have a breast lift simultaneously for better results.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation results in fuller-looking breasts. Patients will also realize increased breast symmetry and aesthetics. The most pronounced effect of breast augmentation is breast rejuvenation after pregnancy or aging. Most patients will agree that breast augmentation increases their self-confidence, allowing them to live life to the fullest.

Risks and Complications Associated With Breast Augmentation

Patients should expect to see some level of scarring after a breast augmentation. In rare cases, patients will develop an infection around the incision sites, which can be solved with a dose of antibiotics. Some people will experience change or loss of feeling around the nipple, which is usually minor. Implant rupture, noticeable creases, or implant rotation are all possible complications that might occur in time. The good news is these are relatively minor complications and risks that can be resolved swiftly. More serious breast augmentation risks include excessive bleeding during the procedure, an allergic reaction to the anesthetic, or a blood clot forming in the veins.

Are You Good Fit for a Breast Augmentation?

A good breast augmentation patient should have a stable weight range. They should maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid weight fluctuation. Additionally, breast augmentation patients should be non-smokers or quit smoking before the procedure to aid in a quick recovery. Your plastic surgeon will run tests to assess further suitability for breast augmentation.

How Long Does a Breast Augmentation Take?

Breast augmentation procedures take around one to three hours, depending on whether additional procedures are performed. It is important to wear supportive garments to reduce swelling and encourage healing. You may also be put on narcotic pain medication for around two days.

Breast Augmentation Q&A

Can insurance cover my breast augmentation?

No patients usually pay for breast augmentation surgery out of pocket. The only exception are some congenital breast defects which cause the breasts not to develop (such as Poland’s syndrome). If you have a breast defect, reach out to your insurance provider.

Does breast augmentation leave visible scars?

It depends on which clothes you are wearing. Most doctors find creative ways to tuck away barely visible scars. Your scars should be out of sight when fully clothed in regular clothes. If you’re asking if you’ll see scars, the answer is yes.

Can I have children after a breast augmentation?

Yes, you are just as physically able to have children as you were before the breast augmentation. The trouble is pregnancy is notorious for causing weight fluctuation, which will affect the results of breast augmentation. Furthermore, if you plan on breastfeeding the child, you may face a few challenges as the milk ducts may not work as well as they used to before the breast augmentation. That said, many women with breast implants experience no difficulty breastfeeding. 

What is the difference between placing the implant below or above the pectoralis muscle?

Both breast implant locations have unique benefits and disadvantages. Placing it below the muscle is a better way to get an accurate mammogram reading showing lesser wrinkles. An implant under the muscle feels more natural and has a lesser chance of capsular contracture.

Alternatively, placing an implant above the muscle leads to a shorter recovery period but may show wrinkles. Because the implant is placed above the muscle, it does not interfere with muscle movement reducing pain felt during recovery. Your doctor will choose a better option for you, depending on your breast anatomy

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