6 Tricks for Healthy Hair This Fall, According to a Top Colorist

6 Tricks for Healthy Hair This Fall, According to a Top Colorist

The second step is revamping your at-home care routine to incorporate practices that will help keep you hair nourished and healthy. Drea is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to hair, so I had her breakdown her best at-home tips for the biggest impact on your strands:

1. Add hair oil on dry hair. You can do this everyday, at least on the ends, to lock in moisture and prevent breakage. Look for a lightweight formula that won’t weigh down your hair, but conditions, smooths, and adds shine. 

2. Wash your hair every 2-3 days. A lot of us are guilty of pushing the limits on hair washing (myself included), but Drea recommends 3 days max to keep strands healthy. The dirt and oil sitting on your scalp can actually cause hair thinning, so you want to make sure you’re properly cleansing. She also advises to at least rinse your hair if you’ve worked out and you aren’t planning to wash it.  

3. Don’t go to bed with wet hair. This can breed fungus—which absolutely nobody wants anywhere near their hair. 

4. Sleep in a bun or loose braids. This is especially important if you have longer hair, as it prevents tangles and the less brushing you have to do the better to avoid breakage. 

5. Don’t leave shampoo and conditioner in the shower for longer than 3 months. The hot steam can cause bacteria to grow in your products. The best practice is to use a shower caddy and only bring your products into the shower when you’re using it. 

There you have it—6 steps that will have a major impact on your hair health. I for one plan on starting these immediately to breathe new life back into my tired strands. Here’s to healthy hair for us all this fall!